ABBLO PREGNANT Iron bisglycinate


  • 1 tablet =  25 mg.
    (Equivalent to 50mg. elemental iron)

    WHO: 100%
    EU NRV: 179% 
    US DV: 139%

    1 tablet Daily / in agreement with your doctor

  • Origin: Vegan
    Strength: 25 mg.
    Quantity: 90 tablets
    Mineral: ABBLO PREGNANT Iron

  • Keep out of reach of children.

    Nutritional supplements should not replace a varied diet. Daily dose should not be exceeded.

    Women who are pregnant or lactating and anyone taking medications or other dietary supplements should consult a health care professional before using any nutritional product.

    Consult your physician before use if you have been diagnosed with peptic ulcers. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a health care professional.

  • ABBLO pregnant iron is adapted in strength, so the pregnant woman's daily dose is 1 tablet per day.

    • Pregnant women are recomended to increase their iron intake from the 10th week of the pregnancy, as iron has a role in the process of cell division, and contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.  

    • ABBLO Iron can be taken together with calcium and milk products. 

    • Coated tablet with no tast of iron. 

    • No artificial colours or unnecessary bulking agents.

    Iron is recommended pregnant women to be consumed from the tenth week of pregnancy.

    ABBLO Iron Bisglycinat tablets have a small, easy-to-swallow size and are packaged in a compact and convenient easy-to-open blister pack produced from 100% bio-foil.

ABBLO Pregnancy Test
Accuracy: 99.99%
5 and 25 mlU/mL Sensitivity.
Test 6 or 2 days before expected period.

  • Concentration: 5 and 25 mlU/mL
    Accuracy: 99.99%
    Quantity: 2 test pr. pack
    Format: Stick test


    • Test 6 before expected period.

    • When a woman becomes pregnant, a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is released into her bloodstream.

    • Pregnancy tests are used to detect any presence of hCG in the urine.

    Women who are trying to conceive or who are concerned about a missed period are keen to find out pregnancy results as soon as possible. Detecting a pregnancy at the earliest stage enables the mother to provide optimal care for the foetus and is beneficial for early detection of foetal abnormalities or other pregnancy complications.

    Due to its heightened sensitivity, the ABBLO Pharma Early Pregnancy Test allows women to test for increased hCG levels far earlier than normal home tests with the same reliability. It can provide an indication of pregnancy even before a woman’s period is due – just eight days after conception.

    • Can test 8 days after conception

    • 5 times as sensitive to hCG levels compared to normal pregnancy tests.


    • Test 2 days before expected period.

    • When a woman becomes pregnant, a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is released into her bloodstream.

    • Pregnancy tests are used to detect any presence of hCG in the urine.

    Early detection of a pregnancy offers numerous advantages for both the mother and the foetus. It enables the mother to provide optimal care for the foetus by following a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol, cigarettes and other potentially harmful factors.

    It is also beneficial for early detection of foetal abnormalities or other pregnancy complications, especially if the mother is considered at a higher risk - i.e. over the age of forty or has a hereditary condition.

  • Keep out of reach of children.

    Only for external use.

ABBLO Ovulation Test
Accuracy: 99.99%
40 mlU/mL Sensitivity.

  • Concentration: 40 mlU/mL
    Quantity: 5 test pr. pack
    Format: Stick test


    • Ovulation is the period when one or more eggs are released from one of the ovaries during the monthly menstrual cycle.

    • Luteinizing hormone (LH) is the ovulation hormone, which suddenly surges approx. 40 hours before ovulation before it decreases again. This test measures the levels of LH present in the urine.

    Ovulation tests are used to improve a woman’s chance of getting pregnant by determining her most fertile period. A positive result indicates that ovulation will occur within the next 40 hours, a negative result means no ovulation for the next 40 hours.  This knowledge enables a couple to determine optimal conditions when trying to conceive.

  • Keep out of reach of children.

    Only for external use.

ABBLO Urinary Tract Infection Test
Nitrites, Leukocytes and Protein.

NB: During pregnancy, a positive test for protein can be a sign of pre-eclampsia. 

  • Test parameters:
    Nitrites, Leukocytes and Protein.

    Quantity: 3 test pr. pack
    Format: Strip test


    • This urine test identifies bacterial infection by detecting the presence and measuring the level of 3 parameters: Nitrites, Leukocytes and Protein.

    • About 40% of women and 12% of men have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) at some time in their life.

    • UTI symptoms include: infected bladder (cystitis), pain or burning during urination, urge to urinate frequently and cloudy, bloody or bad smelling urine, nausea, vomiting and fever.

    Particularly useful for women as they are exposed to the risk of cystitis and are particularly vulnerable to infections in pregnancy. Also good for monitoring intimate health when travelling, especially in dramatic climate changes, or when engaging in sexual activity with different partners. Most urinary tract infections can be easily cured with antibiotics, but an untreated infection may spread to the kidneys or cause more serious problems such as:

    • Recurrent infections, permanent kidney damage from an acute or chronic kidney infection (pyelonephritis), especially in young children.

    • Increased risk of women delivering low birth weight or premature infants.

    • Non/misdiagnosis of an STD or vaginal yeast infection, with associated complications.

  • Keep out of reach of children.

    Only for external use.

    During pregnancy, a positive test for protein can be a sign of pre-eclampsia.